
Maaser (tithe) is one of the most extraordinary Mitzvot that were given to the Jewish people. It is thanks to it that since 3,300 years, Jews have expressed the goodness that characterizes and distinguishes them from other nations. It is also through its merit that the Torah survived the vicissitudes, which unfortunately enamelled our history.

This calculator is designed to help you figure out your Maaser each month so you can accomplish this wonderful Mitzvah as recommended by the Halacha. Follow the instructions to not forget anything.

We have simplified as much as possible the calculator to make it easy to use.

To calculate your Maaser in just a few clicks, please fill the following form while indicating in detail your monthly earnings as well as your monthly expenses which will be afterwards deducted from your earnings.

If your earnings and expenses vary from one month to the other, we invite you to register in order to receive a more accurate management of your monthly Maaser with a complete month-by-month record. Click on My Account in the menu

Monthly earnings


Net pre-tax salary, Kollel received salary, pension.

Family allowances

Aid for housing, family benefits.

Unemployment allowances

Unemployment, pension, maternity, dismissal.

Perception of a kind donation

Kind gifts, financial support. Learn more

If one receives a sum of money to buy an object or any property, it is not required to take the Maasser.

Igrot Moshe Yore Dea, volume 2, issue 112 and Rav Chaim Kaniewski in Derech Emunah, Hilkhot Matnot Aniyim, Chapter 7, Tsiyoun Halacha 67.

It is not usual to take the Maasser value of an object received as a gift or property. According to Rabbeinu Yona in Sefer Hayira, it is an obligation.

On this subject, see Mishneh Halakhot [Tinyana] Volume 2, issue 245 and Beer Sarim [responsa], Volume 4, issue 28 and Beora'h Tzedakah, Chapter 10, note 13.


Various earnings

Profit on the sale of an object or a real estate property, service, lottery winnings, insurance reimbursement. Learn more

The capital gain of real-estate property is subject to the obligation of Maasser only if it is sold.

For insurance reimbursement, it is clear that only the difference between the amount received and the amount actually spent is subject to Maasser.

See Minchat David [Eisenberg, responsa], Volume 3, Yore Dea, question 31.



Monthly paid back dividends.

Real-estate income

Rents received. Learn more

If the sum of rent received [A] is used to pay the rent for another house [B]: If A is less than B, it is not required to take Maasser. If A is greater than B, it is only the difference that is subject to the obligation of Maasser.

Chevet Hakehati [responsa] Volume 6, issue 334 and Rav Elyachiv in Beora'h Tzedakah page 160.


Tax reductions

Amounts received or reductions. Learn more

Needless to say that the amounts reimbursed by the tax authorities or tax deductions are subject to Maasser.

Rabbi Shlomo Zalman Auerbakh reported in Beora'h Tzedakah, page 131, note 25.



Other sources of income, inheritance, and amount of money found that it is permitted to keep according to Halacha. Learn more

The money inherited is subject to the obligation of Maasser.

Chafetz Chaim in Ahavat Chesed, Part 2, Chapter 18, passage 3.

Real-estate properties: this is the subject of a debate among decision-makers.

See Chevet Halevi, volume 5, issue 133 and Beora'h Tzedakah, Chapter 10, note 3.

If these real-estate properties are sold, one is required to take the Maasser on monetary compensation.

Total monthly earnings : $ 0

Monthly expenses


Income tax, property tax, housing tax... Learn more

According to some decision-makers, local taxes [Arnona, etc.], can be added to the overhead expenses only if the financial situation is not excellent.

See Minchat Yitzchak [responsa], Volume 5, issue 34, passage 9.


Transport costs to get to work


Child care expenses for commuting to work

Nursery, kindergarten, etc. Learn more

If for one reason or another, the parents are not able to keep children at home, and they would in any case placed their children in a nursery or kindergarten, it is not possible to add childcare costs to overhead expenses.


Kodesh private tutor

Total monthly expenses : $ 0